Honoli'i Park

A Photo of the sign at the corner of High street and Market Street

At only 0.25 acres, Honoli'i Park is one of Maui's smallest official parks. Aside from two picnic benches, there's really nothing here. The Maui County website says there's a shared lot with the nearby church, but the signs out in front indicate otherwise, so you're better off finding street parking. 

You could say that the church is the park's main feature. It's a popular place for weddings, and the park makes for a spacious area to gather before or after the ceremony.Also nearby is a small cemetery. It has only a few gravestones, but also mentions a possibility of some unmarked native Hawaiian graves on site. I should mention that the church is over 100 years old, and has some history if you're into that kind of thing.

And that's it. Few people give this park more than a glance as they drive by on their way to Iao or Waikapu, but the park is there, and so it's here on this blog as well. If you find yourself picking up lunch in Wailuku town, consider eating it here at the park. 

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Google Maps. Accessed February 7, 2021. https://goo.gl/maps/HjsEamBZCMpsj9E19

Maui County. Accessed February 7, 2021. https://www.mauicounty.gov/Facilities/Facility/Details/Honolii-Park-96

